Cosmetic Foot Surgery
Bunions, hammertoes, and corns are the three most common foot deformities being treated by cosmetic foot surgery. Our podiatrists treat these deformities using Minimally-Invasive surgical techniques so the patient is left with minimal to no scarring. Many people are ashamed of their feet and having nice straight toes without corns can help your confidence and quality of life. All symptoms should always be evaluated with a thorough consultation and examination by your podiatrist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan to exclude any underlying serious condition
Get Beautiful Feet
The best NYC podiatrist provides Minimally- Invasive and/or No-Scar bunion treatment and corn removal. Using cutting-edge surgical techniques, our podiatrists give you the best results and have you back in heels in no time! Most patients are able to walk home in a surgical shoe the same day as the surgical procedure! Recovery is typically between 6-8 weeks for bunion surgery and 4-6 weeks for corn/hammertoe surgery.
If you wear sandals, spend a considerable amount of time barefoot by the pool or at the beach, or just want to impress a partner, the idea of cosmetic foot surgery may not be that far-fetched. In fact, cosmetic foot surgery is on the rise. If it’s something you want to pursue, talk the best-rated podiatric surgeon you can find in NYC.
Popular Podiatric Plastic Surgery Procedures
Cosmetic bunion surgery resulting in slimmer pain-free feet is the most popular procedure but other popular cosmetic foot procedures include:
- Toe lengthening
- Toe shortening
- Fat injections into the pads of your feet
- Nail restoration
- Foot narrowing
Like many cosmetic surgery procedures, foot surgery is requested typically by women who’re embarrassed by their feet or who believe that prettier feet can improve their self-esteem. Of course, it’s a lot easier to walk all day in four-inch heels when you don’t have lumps or bumps in your feet and when your toes aren’t pushing against your shoes all day.
All symptoms, potential procedural/surgical options should always be discussed with your podiatrist after thorough consultation and examination for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan
★ ★ ★ ★ ★Very kind, courteous and professional. Saw me promptly and made sure to talk me through diagnosis and at-home care.
Is Cosmetic Foot Surgery Right For You?
If the foot deformity you are having surgery on is painful, it may be covered by health insurance! Just because it is a painful medical problem doesn’t mean you have to choose a surgeon who doesn’t emphasize a beautiful cosmetic result!
Cosmetic foot surgery is considered low-risk surgery, however, it still has risks, benefits, and alternatives that should be discussed and weighed before a decision is made.
Risks include swelling, pain, bleeding, infection, anesthesia reactions, deformity re-occurrence, and blood clots. A more thorough discussion on risks will be discussed in the office along with expectations and procedure-specific information.
If the foot deformity you are having surgery on is painful, it may be covered by health insurance! Just because it is a painful medical problem doesn’t mean you have to choose a surgeon who doesn’t emphasize a beautiful cosmetic result!
Once you’ve decided that cosmetic foot surgery is worth the cost and the risks, and your foot doctor believes you’re a good candidate, then you have some options to consider. Ideally, to best reduce your risks, you should:
- Be in good overall health
- Not be a smoker
- Be at a healthy weight
- Have the ability to take a 1-2 weeks off work and not have long hours requiring standing during recovery
The top NYC podiatrist may be able to combine your desire for an aesthetically pleasing foot with your needs for better functionality. With the use of the latest surgical techniques in endoscopic and laser surgical procedures, experienced foot surgeons pay closer attention to the appearance of your feet when treating foot problems such as:
- Hammer toes
- Corns
- Brachymetatarsia, a congenital defect that leaves you with a small extra toe
- Pain in the ball of your foot
- Heel spurs
Choosing a Surgeon
Minimally- Invasive foot Surgery requires specialized training and practice to perfect so it is important to find a surgeon with this expertise.
Many podiatrist and orthopedic surgeons perform bunion and hammer toe surgery but most leave large unsightly incisions/scars. Minimally- Invasive foot Surgery requires specialized training and practice to perfect so it is important to find a surgeon with this expertise. Our New York podiatrists are well known in this field. When doing traditional foot surgery, your foot doctor in New York:
- Places incisions in places that aren’t visible, like between your toes
- Uses Special minimally-invasive instruments to perform surgery using tiny incisions
- Uses absorbable sutures and steri-strips to close skin
- Considers the appearance of your toes as he corrects tarsal tunnel syndrome effects, for example
- Aligns bones aesthetically when repairing foot fractures or doing reconstructive foot surgery
- Advises you which lotions to use on your feet following a procedure
Do you have any questions about Cosmetic Foot Surgery procedure in NYC? Would like to schedule an appointment with our top NYC Podiatrists and foot doctors who are leading laser bunion surgery specialists? Please contact our office for consultation.
In The Press
Call now to make an appointment with our award winning, board certified NYC podiatrists regarding your health. We look forward to seeing you!
book online now (212) 389-9918(212) 389-1886 Podiatrist (Midtown) 51 East 25th Street, Ste 451, NY 10010
(212) 389-1887 Podiatrist (Union Square) 55 W 17th St Ste 106, NY 10011
(212) 378-9991